
Disciples of Babylon | News

Disciples of Babylon | News

Disciples! We’re pleased to invite all of you to join us tomorrow at 10:00AM [PST] 1:00PM [EST] 6:00PM [GMT] to watch the premiere of ‘The Making of “We Are the Ones” [BTS]’. Go behind the scenes & check out how our latest video came together.

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Here's what some of the critics are saying about, 'We Are the Ones'.

"The band have found an anthem for the modern age." 9 out of 10 Powerpoints -Powerplay Magazine [UK]

"Ingeniously crafted to form an addictive melodic anthem." -Runnin on Empty [UK]

"A hopeful clarion call for us to all come together and unite in our fight against those who try and divide us." -Eclectic Music Lover

The band sums it up: "We Are the Ones is a song dedicated to giving a voice to the voiceless. This song shines a light to those that can't speak out against the injustices that are being perpetrated on them on a daily basis from all walks of life. Now more than ever with everything going on in the world at this very moment in the midst of this global pandemic that sees no race, color, politics nor religion, we need to rise up and unite. United we stand, divided we fall. We are the ones."

Watch "The Making of 'We Are the Ones' [BTS]" now!
Link will go live Saturday June 20, 2020 10:00AM [PST]